The Next Stage Theatre Company needs you…..
Did you know? Producing a show costs much more than you might think, even sell-outs. One long-time supporter guessed that our costs per show run about $2,000. A show costs five times that much. This year’s almost-sold-out production of No Exit cost $10,444 to produce.
Did you know? Ticket sales cover less than half that cost. Ticket sales for the sold-out No Exit covered $4,746, or 45.4% of that $10, 444. Celadine and the Wilder one-acts cost $10,923 and $10,867, respectively, and brought in 21.5% and 24.3% of that through ticket sales.
Our costs keep going up. For example, rental prices at The State have already risen, will go up again when they make their planned renovations in the Attic. With your help, we can keep performing at The State - a professional, welcoming, and intimate venue well-suited for our work.
In 2018, we adopted a new motto...

Good theatre, done small.
No glitz. Just guts.
If that's the kind of theatre that speaks to you, we ask that you support us in two ways: add to our box office receipts by seeing our productions, and make a contribution when you can.
We continued keep an eye on reducing expenses, all while adapting and growing...
We've added directors. Added actors. Found new rehearsal spaces.
While maintaining the great quality that audiences know and love...
High-quality, stripped-down productions, of the kind you’d see Off-Broadway, in a small wrap-around space.
Readings. Acting classes.
Even so, the cost of presenting them continues to rise.
Those rises are permanent, so we need your ongoing willingness to help us keep up.

What can you do? Help us continue to bring you lively, inventive work, up close:
Introduce friends.
Consider contributing now.
Your gift will be tax-deductible, because we are a 501(c)3 non-profit.
We’ll acknowledge your gift in our programs, and we can save the best seats for you. Just let us know you’re coming at , 48 hours ahead.
Thank you!
Mary Skees/ Producing Artistic Director and co-founder
Credit cards accepted at our donation site. Checks made out to "The Next Stage Theatre" may be sent to P.O. Box 11111, State College, PA 16805.